Neighborhood News
Barrington Heights Owners Association has been making headlines for many years, and we’re excited to share the good news with you. Making sure our community maintains its high standard of living takes time and effort, so getting honorable mentions from the press makes us feel like our hard work is paying off. Read below for all the latest updates.
Annual Neighborhood Meeting
We invite all BHOA residents to the annual neighborhood meeting for Barrington Heights Owners Association at 7 p.m. on Thursday, June 3, 2021 at the Holiday Inn Beaumont Plaza at 3950 IH-10 South.
If you have any questions regarding this meeting, please call us at (409) 899-1001 or email us at
Annual Meeting Agenda
Agenda and budget will be provided prior to meeting date. Please check back soon.
BHOA Proxy Form
Lot owners not attending the Annual Neighborhood Meeting have the option of submitting their vote by proxy to the Association. To be valid, a completed proxy must be mailed to the Barrington Heights Owners Association at P.O. Box 12382, Beaumont, TX 77726 by 5:00 p.m. on the last business day immediately preceding the date of the meeting or presented at the meeting prior to such meeting being called to order. If you are mailing the proxy, please deposit it in the mail at least (7) days prior to meeting to ensure timely receipt by the Association.
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